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Resident Honoured

A Liphook man who helped save the life of a teenager who was impaled on a fencepost in a wrecked and burning car has been honoured by the Royal Humane Society.

Neville Powell, of Longmoor Road, is one of three men who have been awarded testimonials by the society.

He spoke this week of the horrific accident – and how he risked his own life by dragging 19-year-old Peter Langdown out of the car seconds before it exploded.

Mr Langdown almost died of his injuries, and had to have an arm amputated. But he has since gone back to university, and has even take up adventure sports despite his disability.

"He was in hospital for a long time, but by coincidence I rang his mother on the day when he got out and spoke to him," said Mr Powell.

"We had a long chat, and although he couldn't remember a lot about the accident he remembered seeing people helping him."

Article posted on: 12 November 2003

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Bramshott Open Gardens

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